Greetings! I am Mary “Carla” Davis, LCSW, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and have been in Private Practice for the past 32 years. Many years ago I graduated from MTSU with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education with an Early Childhood Endorsement and Psychology. I taught school for two years, then became a stay at home mom with three children while working on my graduate degree in Community Counseling at UTC. Our young family moved to Cape Town, South Africa, in 1984, where I entered the Clinical Masters Program at the University of Cape Town and graduated with a degree of Master of Clinical Social Work.
“Social Work and being a Therapist is my passion.”
Most of us have a Primary Care Physician (PCP) for physical health, so, why not a Primary Care Therapist (PCT) for mental health? Regular checkups are highly recommended for health maintenance and illness prevention. The focus is on developing your personal optimal health.
First, we do some good investigative work together to discover the cause of the anxiety, depression, anger and/or troubling thoughts and feelings. Then we develop an individualized Treatment Plan that will focus on achieving a healing of problematic symptoms through the development of healthy skills and lifestyle changes that will work for you and your family. Changing what we do, changes how we think and that changes how we feel.
A primary care therapist (PCT) is a therapist that you can say, “My Therapist.” The PCT is present for the continual health and stability of the client. The PCT assists the client to increase healthy behavior, prevent mental illness, and address old or new mental health issues. The PCT is a helper, coach, teacher, therapist who knows your story and who you can turn to for any mental health questions or concerns. As a PCT, I am there for the long haul.