What Do Therapists Talk About When You Are Not in the Room?
You Might Be Pleasantly Surprised!
Mary Carla Davis, LCSW and Taylor Johnston, LCSW
Taylor is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and credentialed EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapist.
He practices this specialized form of therapy in working with trauma and stress.
Carla is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Primary Care Therapist who has been in Private Practice for 30 years specializing in trauma and stress-management.
Why Is It So Hard to Find A Therapist for My Child?
Some Possible Reasons Therapists Are Not Doing Therapy for Kids.
What are Your Suggestions and Experiences?
Do you learn visually by pictures, words, videos?
Are you an auditory learner that remembers best by listening?
Do you need hands on or tactile experiences?
How do therapists accommodate different learning styles?
Why Do Clients Request CBT?
What is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)?
CBT vs. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing)
Writing a New Ending
What are things you can do with your Resentments?
Tips and some practices we use in therapy sessions.
Feeling Resentments from Seeing Others on Social Media
Thinking that Others are Doing Better Than Me
What is Real?
Trauma Can Cause
Shame, Guilt, Fear and Anger
Identifying Resentments
Feelings of Shame, Guilt, Fear and Anger
What are the Costs?
Are Resentments Drinking Our Own Poison?
Curiosity vs. Judgement
Are Up You Giving Your Power to Resentments?
The Circular, Cyclic Repetition of Behaviors
Why Do We Do Keep Repeating the Past?
How is This Working Out For You?
Patterns are the Circular Cycles We Keep Repeating Which Ones Help and Which Ones Do Not Help You
Identifying Your "Parts"
Finding the Real You!
When Did You Get So Good At It?
Keeping the Positives
Saying "Goodbye" to Parts That Don't Work
Help! I am Exhausted and Can't Find a Therapist. Resources, Guidance, Calming Techniques To Help While You are Searching
The PCT (Primary Care Therapist) and the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapist talk about Taylor's decision to specialize in using EMDR to treat Trauma.
What is the "Wow Factor?"
Feeling Safe in Primary Care and EMDR Therapy
Building the Bridge with Therapists and Clients.
Therapists Working Together and Choosing a Therapist.
The Primary Care Therapist and the EMDR Specialist Talk About the Benefits and Barriers of Insurance vs. Private Pay for Therapy.
Choosing A Therapist Who Takes Insurance or Choosing a Private Pay Therapist?